Can Braelyn use her magic to find an end to the decade-long winter? Or will her efforts be foiled by...More
Publisher: Jack Peacher

Can Braelyn use her magic to find an end to the decade-long winter? Or will her efforts be foiled by the discovery she makes? Seventeen year old Braelyn has grown up learning magic under the tutelage of Master Pioran, a former mage.

Thousands of years ago, the Overseers scattered humans across the galaxy. Now, one of them has found her way back home. On a mission to recover an escaped alien life form, young Justice Keeper Anna Lenai pursues the felon into uncharted space, and accidentally finds the lost homeworld of her ancestors.
From dreams to desperation. When the magical secrets of The Emerald Isle beckon, can she discover he...More
Publisher: R.H. Knight

From dreams to desperation. When the magical secrets of The Emerald Isle beckon, can she discover her destiny? Pittsburgh, 1846. In the heart of the bustling city, Valentia McDowell is tormented by vivid nightmares. The visions of the past lead her to Ireland, the birthplace of her ancestors.
Haunted by grief and consumed by illness, the determined young woman unravels a series of cryptic cl...More
Publisher: D.K. Holmberg

Haunted by grief and consumed by illness, the determined young woman unravels a series of cryptic clues across a famine-stricken Ireland in a desperate mission of finding her lost family and recovering the enchanted brooch entwined with her spirit.
The book is well-paced and engaging, with a plot that keeps readers invested in the characters fates...More
Publisher: John Grisham

The book is well-paced and engaging, with a plot that keeps readers invested in the characters fates. Vansens writing style is accessible and evocative, making it easy for readers to immerse themselves in the story. The book is well-paced and engaging, with a plot that keeps readers invested in the characters fates.
Three young children smuggle themselves into Auschwitz in search of their mothers. Seventeen year ol...More
Publish: 16 Dec, 24
Publisher: Annie Bellet

Three young children smuggle themselves into Auschwitz in search of their mothers. Seventeen year old Braelyn has grown up learning magic under the tutelage of Master Pioran, a former mage. Tragically, the past decade has plunged the world into an endless winter. While researching a solution to the weather crisis.

Diantara ulama Ahli Sunnah wal Jama’ah yang lurus aqidahnya adalah Imam Syafi’i -Ru- yang dike...More
Publish: Ke-1 :: Ramadhan 1441 H

Diantara ulama Ahli Sunnah wal Jama’ah yang lurus aqidahnya adalah Imam Syafi’i -Ru- yang dikenal semangat mengikuti Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah dan berjalan meniti jalan salaf shalih baik
dalam aqidah, ibadah maupun akhlak.
Oleh karena itu pengikut sejati imam Syafi’i adalah orang-orang yang mengikuti mazhab beliau dalam permasalahan ushuluddin (akidah) dan permasalahan fiqih dan tidak membedakan antara keduanya.
Namun anehnya, fenomena sekarang ada sebagian kalangan yang menisbatkan diri kepada Imam Syafi’i dalam permasalahan fiqih, tetapi menyelisihiya dalam masalah aqidah dan prinsip-prinsip beragama, atau mengadopsi madzhab gado-gado, seperti ungkapan sebagian mereka: “Madzhabku adalah madzhab Syafi’i, Tarekatku adalah tarekat Qodiriyah atau Naqsyabandiyah dan Aqidahku adalah aqidah Asy’ariyah”, tentu ini adalah pernyataan yang aneh dan kontradiksi yang nyata, dan Imam Syafi’i tentu berlepas diri dari orang yang seperti ini, sebab tidak pernah Imam Syafi’i beraqidah Asy’ariyah dan mengikuti tarekat shufiyyah, tarekat beliau adalah Tarekat Rasulullah ﷺ, beliau tiada lain kecuali seorang Sunni Salafi dalam aqidah, ibadah, fiqih dan akhlak.